Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Thought of the day: Oil colours for the win! Colour stripping bath for the Necron Lord! ;) Damn I really failed at that model...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Massive Voodoo on Indiegogo

Hey guys,

take a look at this nice crowdfunding project by Massivevoodoo!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Horthak continued

Made some progress with the leather and the skin. Tried to bring some more life in the character.
Still a long way to go...

Friday, October 12, 2012


I've continued another old project. Horthak the Blackcrow from Andrea Miniatures.
Back in the time wehen I started this mini, I obviously wasn't as acurate at cleaning the model from moldlines as I am today. However, I'm starting to like the results. (And I seem to start coming along with my camera more and more) :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Terminator Chaplain FOR SALE TOO!

After a long day of painting I've finished the chaplain.
And it's for saaaaaale! ;)


Imperial Standardbearer FOR SALE!

Check out this ebay auction. I'm selling my Empire Swordman:

There's a link on the right side of the main page too.

Cheers, Androsch

Blood Angels - Strike Force Venesection

I've started to paint a Blood Angels Army as a birthday present for a friend of mine. Should be a rather quick job, so I'm airbrushing and layering a lot. So far I finished a tactical squad, a cybot and a razorback. Thanks to Darkezekiel who painted a the captain for the army. :) Oh, and I even used decals. I never use decals... well now I do. ^^

(alternate weapons)

Still to come: Deathcompany, assaultmarines, honourguard, more tacticals, devastators and a lot of characters! ;)


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Latest Work


Back again after a while. Here's two of my recently finished minis: an empire swordsman which I painted on Jarhead's workshop in Graz and Typhus, of which I took some final photos.

I also conquered some new grounds and tried my luck on Dystopian Wars. The outcome: a freshly painted Kingdom of Britannia Fleet (one of the ships still misses a part ;)).

And a WIP shoot. Started this guy looooong ago. Decided to finish him and reworked the skull and the base until now:

Cheers, Androsch